Thursday, December 10, 2009

blog 5

St.Martin High School Head Football Coach
Tupelo High School Head Football Coach
DeSoto Central High School Head Football Coach
Lewisburg High School Head Football Coach

I'm a current student at the University of Southern Mississippi. I am a junior who has my head on straight and aiming for the top. My next goal is to take my praxis and pass it on the first try, that would really boost my confidence up. My current Grade Point Average is above a 3.o and i hope to keep it like that. My goal is to graduate from here by summer 2011. By fall 2011, I plan on being a coach at some one high school and I hope and know I can benefit them.

These jobs are some jobs that are available right now. These four schools caught my eye because they need head football coaches and I believe i can provide that for them. They require you to have a valid teaching licenses. These schools are not very close to my home but some times a person have to make sacrifices. I really want to be a head coach so i will sacrifice moving out of the small city of Raleigh.

Next, my skills as a three sport athlete is very beneficial. I was the captain of my high school basketball team where we were District Champions and were we advanced to the South State tournament. We ended our season with a 29-5 record which is very good. I became the district defensive MVP and I received other awards from my high school. I was also a starting defensive back on the football team for three years. I also ran track for four years were I received a lot of awards in Long jump, triple jump, and high jump. I am now a volunteer assistant basketball coach at Raleigh High School, and next year hopefully i can volunteer to be someones assistant defensive back football coach.

Finally, I believe that my skills as a defensive back and as a three sport athelete can benefit Lewisburg High school football team. I would use my skills that i was taught throughout my time at Raleigh High School and my skills from Coach Jeremiah Keyes.

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