Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My major is sports coaching. Among all things i could have decided to pursue and my life coaching stood out the most. If you ask any coach whats the most important thing in the field of coaching, far as trying to get a job, it would be a coaching philosophy. Coaches philosophy is something I would like to discuss today with my audience, and i will try to explain and discuss this to the best of my abilities. Coaching Philosophy was the first and the only paper I have written since I been at the University of Southern Mississippi. My coaching philosophy was not very hard because i have grown up around some wonderful coach, participating and being a great athlete in every sport I participated in,like Coach Durwood Anderson of Raleigh, Coach Jermiah Keyes of Taylorsville, and Coach Ron Norman of Wayne County.
My Coaching Philosophy was talking about the ways i would coach,the way i would carry myself, and how i would make the team successful. I would coach with a commanding voice that would probably put fear in there hearts therefore they would respect me at all times. Another thing i talked about is how i would make all my fellow athletes be physically in shape. This would mean working out everyday even over the summer, eating right all the time no matter what comes up. I also discuss some of the most important facts about football and that is showing good attitudes, promoting physical fitness, and compassion for teammates and the opposing teams.
The purpose of my paper was to show some things you need to have to be a coach and to show some reasons coaches have impacts on younger people life. Things i would change if i could would be to put more stuff about maintaining a good a grade point average and how school comes before sports. Another thing I would talk about is negligence do to all the court cases getting field on coaches for example if you had a football player fall out on the field and you have no medical assistant around in you really don't know what to do in the player die, so now your left with this on your hand in the parents would take you to court for murder in you would probably be found guilty for more information about cases like this login to Another thing I would have changed was using harsh words like "pounding into a players head" , but at the end of the day i would still love to be a big time coach and my coaching philosophy will get better the more i hang with other coaches

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