Monday, September 21, 2009

blog 3

A brochure is something that i had to do at my High School. Brochures were always fun to do because it was usually done as a group project, and there is not many teachers that let there kids do group projects because there is usually one kid doing all the work. Well we were asked to look up some brochures dealing with our major well my major was sports coaching and i found a real interesting brochure dealing with basketball. The website is This website shows a lot of different things every basketball coach would be interested in like how to get more open three pointers, how to get open lay ups, and how to stop your opponent. This brochure also give a lot of offers to watch how these things work. they have DVDs, books, and different clinics. Also on the brochure it show some plays ran by big time basketball colleges like Kansas, West Virgina, and etc. This brochure also had a lot of fault because it had no pictures of actual athletes and it was almost to much writing to read but it still sort of caught my attention
The next website i found was This brochure was amazing also it had a lot of pictures of people actually playing basketball. This camp shows how to make your player into a five star player which is a very great basketball player a lot of professional basketball players were discovered here like D. Wade, Lebron James, Micheal Jordan, and Kevin Durant. This Brochure was outstanding. Those are somethings I would make sure to add to my brochure the next time I do one, famous names.

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